Fantasy Flight Games

Bonus: Q&A (Star Wars, Fiasco and Goblin Quest)

Show Notes

To tide us over til our next one-shot, here's a bonus episode where our host and GM Fiona answers some listener questions and has some creative ideas for improving the look of a magical wand in 'Help! My fictional RPG character is having difficulties!' 


  • Intro: 00:00:08

  • Q&A start: 00:00:38

  • 'Help! My fictional RPG character is having difficulties!' start: 00:04:47

  • Outro: 00:07:22


The 'What Am I Rolling?' podcast was created, recorded and edited by Fiona Howat.

The WAIR logo was created by Fiona Howat.

Additional music and SFX in this episode:

If you want to find out more about the podcast, check out the 'What Am I Rolling?' podcast website:

Fancy getting in touch? Email the podcast at

Follow the podcast on Twitter and Instagram (@WAIR_Podcast) for the latest news on episodes. WAIR Podcast


Episode #8: Star Wars Pt. 2

Apologies for the technical difficulties and background noise in advance

Show Notes

This week, Fiona is joined by David, Tahir and Stuart for ‘Escape from Mos Shuuta’, a 'Star Wars: Edge of Empire'’s starter adventure by Fantasy Flight Games.

Find out more about 'Edge of Empire' and other Fantasy Flight Games on their website.


  • Intro: 00:00:09

  • Recap of game mechanics: 00:01:28

  • Final comments and technical difficulties: 00:02:15

  • One-shot start: 00:02:42

  • Outro and credits: 01:02:58


The 'What Am I Rolling?' podcast was created, recorded and edited by Fiona Howat.

The WAIR logo was created by Fiona Howat.

This episode’s players were David Burns, Tahir Mahmood and Stuart Foy.

This episode’s RPG one-shot was ‘Escape from Mos Shuuta’, a 'Star Wars: Edge of Empire'’s starter adventure by Fantasy Flight Games. Find out more about 'Edge of Empire' and other Fantasy Flight Games on their website.

The theme music was '8-bit march' by Twin Musicom (, licensed under a Creative Commons 4.0 License.

Additional music in this episode:

If you want to find out more about the podcast, check out the 'What Am I Rolling?' podcast website:

Fancy getting in touch? Email the podcast at

Follow the podcast on Twitter and Instagram (@WAIR_Podcast) for the latest news on episodes. WAIR Podcast


Episode #7: Star Wars Pt. 1

Apologies for the technical difficulties and background noise in advance

Show Notes

This week, Fiona is joined by David, Tahir and Stuart for ‘Escape from Mos Shuuta’, a 'Star Wars: Edge of Empire'’s starter adventure by Fantasy Flight Games.

Find out more about 'Edge of Empire' and other Fantasy Flight Games on their website.


  • Intro: 00:00:10

  • Overview: 00:00:49

  • Introduction to the characters: 00:02:11

  • Final comments and technical difficulties: 00:03:29

  • One-shot start: 00:04:48

  • Outro and credits: 01:07:30


The 'What Am I Rolling?' podcast was created, recorded and edited by Fiona Howat.

The WAIR logo was created by Fiona Howat. 

This episode’s players were David Burns, Tahir Mahmood and Stuart Foy.

This episode’s RPG one-shot was ‘Escape from Mos Shuuta’, a 'Star Wars: Edge of Empire'’s starter adventure by Fantasy Flight Games. Find out more about 'Edge of Empire' and other Fantasy Flight Games on their website.

The theme music was '8-bit march' by Twin Musicom (, licensed under a Creative Commons 4.0 License.

Additional music in this episode:

If you want to find out more about the podcast, check out the 'What Am I Rolling?' podcast website:

Fancy getting in touch? Email the podcast at

Follow the podcast on Twitter and Instagram (@WAIR_Podcast) for the latest news on episodes. WAIR Podcast
