
Bonus: No More Damsels' 2019 Dragonmeet Panel: 'Representation in Fantasy Settings'

Show Notes

Our friends at No More Damsels, an organisation focused on empowering diverse gendered people in the RPG and Wargaming community, hosted a panel for the Podcast Zone at Dragonmeet, one of the UK most vibrant tabletop gaming conventions. 

This special bonus episode is a live recording of their panel: ‘Representation in Fantasy Settings’.

Panel bio: ‘It's not easy being green! Do you ever get sad that your orc has to be an angry warrior? Aren't you ready for a soft orc librarian? We know that changing up the rules of fantasy creates some of our best characters - learn how to use this power for good, challenge stereotypes, and use diversity to make better settings and better games.’ 

Panel host and guests

No More Damsels made a recommended fantasy reading list of 13 authors who re-defining the fantasy genre and filling it with richer, more colourful characters. You can find this and more about No More Damsels on their website.

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