Bonus: You Awaken In A Strange Place! (ArchaeoGaming Con 2022 Livestream)

Show Notes

This week, Fiona is joined by David, Mark and Sarah for 'You Awaken In A Strange Place’, a fully improvised roleplaying game for 4 players, designed by Jacob Andrews.

This oneshot’s audio was taken from a live convention game for ArchaeoGaming Con 2022 (ARGACON), a gaming convention and archaeological conference to share ArchaeoGaming research and gameplay with a virtual audience.

'You Awaken In A Strange Place’ is a fully improvised, one-shot TTRPG that requires zero preparation and only a few hours of time. Follow the game's instructions to determine, the setting, the characters, and all the details of world-building on the fly! Get right into the good stuff of playing fun characters with your fun friends! It's fun!

You can find out more information about 'You Awaken In A Strange Place’ on

You can find out more about ArchaeoGaming and more details about future cons on The ArchaeoGaming Collective website.


  • Intro: 00:00:09

  • Gameplay overview: 00:01:32

  • Oneshot starts: 00:02:55

  • Credits: 01:59:47


The 'What Am I Rolling?' podcast was created, recorded, and edited by Fiona Howat.

The WAIR logo was created by Fiona Howat.

This episode’s players were David, Mark and Sarah.

This episode’s RPG was 'You Awaken In A Strange Place’, a fully improvised roleplaying game for 4 players, designed by Jacob Andrews. You can find out more information about 'You Awaken In A Strange Place’ on

The theme music was '8-bit march' by Twin Musicom (, licensed under a Creative Commons 4.0 License.

Additional music in this episode:

If you want to find out more about the podcast, check out the 'What Am I Rolling?' podcast website:

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